Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

You will be hard-pressed to see me very concerned with politics, but I feel that today is a good day for me to talk about it. This election, I felt no overwhelming support for either candidate. In most cases, I agree in parts with each of them, and disagree in others. I tend to think of myself as a moderate. A hardcore moderate. In fact, I greatly mistrust any strong leanings towards liberalism or conservatism. Democrats or Republicans. Theoretically, this world should not be a difficult place to coexist in, but as with most things, the reality is less than desirable. At this point, I already know who our next president is going to be, the loser admitting his defeat. And, to be honest, I am neither happy nor sad about this outcome. It just is what it is.

But, I write mainly to advise against leaning too far in any direction. For the most part, I believe that people are happy living out their lives the best they can, and politics play very little in their day to day lives. We all pay taxes. We all die. These are facts. Speaking as a scientist, most things in this world strive to approach equilibrium. And, I feel like that is something for which we should all strive.

In short, whomever you wanted to win this election, just remember that candidate's opponent may not have been wrong or their ideas without some merit.

And, btw, I am proud that our nation has chosen to elect Obama.

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