Friday, September 5, 2008

Husband and Wife

I was confronted in the late afternoon by the three artists. I knew instantly who they were, and of what they were capable. I just never believed that it would happen to me, to whom nothing extraordinary ever occurred. I lived a simple life on the coast with my husband, who made a living in fishing. The purple seas rose and fell behind the women. They knew I was powerless to stop them. Isn't it folly to defy the gods? I pleaded with them to return my husband to me. Their response was just the cold laughter. They asked me to look where I was standing and take him back myself. Indeed, I just then noticed I was standing within the center of a pentagram. I knelt down immediately and prayed to the goddess, Athena. "Oh, goddess of shrewdness and wisdom, grant me the power to exact revenge upon those who have stolen my livelihood, and condemned me to death!" The goddess was kind to me, as she had always been to me and my family. I watched in horror as the muses behind me lost their godhead to become mortal. Upon this recognition, I seized upon this opportunity and struck one of these former dieties. However, my arms were not strong enough to defeat them. I cursed my ineptitude and frailty. Instead of a physical defeat I opted on a different approach. "If you will not return my husband, I will claim one of you as my own." Of them, I picked the most attractive and claimed her as my own.

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