Saturday, January 31, 2009

It’s funny how nothing can ever truly change
The same old thoughts with a different name
Just a few more lines drawn upon my aging face
Another year to find ourselves in another place

I wasted the best of my years on a fruitless pursuit
Time I wish I could have to give to you
So you might know the man I was supposed to be
So you might get the chance to get the best of me

And, so each day with you is an endless dream
Waltzing amid the watchful and the asleep
Beauty, just a fleeting moment of our youth
But, I think I might like to grow old with you

To watch the light on your face in the setting sun
To laugh and sing as if we were still young
To grasp your hand within the fold of mine
To live as if we no longer believed in time

It’s funny how life passes us along the way
While I’m so enraptured with your loving gaze
And I would have loved you under any other name
Some things can never truly change

- Solus

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