Monday, August 25, 2008

Ferris, like the wheel

About a year ago, a man dressed as a police officer approached me and asked me if I knew what I had done wrong. I was sitting in the passenger side of my father's truck. I did not know what was wrong. He told me to step out of the vehicle, which I blindly obeyed. My memory becomes unclear at this point. The afternoon sun was in my eyes. I woke up in this cell, where I have been for quite some time. I'm really not sure exactly how long, since I cannot see the sky.

My name is Ferris, like the wheel not the iron. I have been in this facility along with several others while they perform tests on us. I believe they are attempting to enhance the physical attributes each of us has. There is a man here among us who is so big, I am sure he could lift a car on his own. Everyday, they give us these shots. I do not know what they are, but I can feel my mind become clearer. I can think faster. Whatever they are doing to me, it must be affecting the way my brain works.

The sanitary white of this building sometimes hurts my eyes though. The lack of stimulation gives me headaches. It's enough to make me scream myself to sleep. I was awoken early in the morning, with a knock on my door. There were men in black suits gathering all of their subjects together. They called me out of my cell and into the hall. The tiles of the checkered floor created multiple patterns for my mind to read. They were unsettling to me as they checkered off into an infinite distance. I was the last one forced into the stairwell as the men led us upward. Up they led us and down a hall toward a room full of windows. I passed by a room with a safe. I overheard one of the staff mention something about records in the glass safe. I was lead into the final room. The half open windows allowed a cool autumn breeze to blow through the screens. I could see the tops of trees in the distance. As I turned from the windows, the two men in the black suits pointed their guns at me. I slumped against the wall after the four gunshots pierced my chest. I could not understand why the blood was pumping itself out of me. It shouldn't be doing that. The world blurred, and faded to nothing.

I was awoken early in the morning, with a knock on the door. What was going on? Two men dressed in black suits had come to get me. Was I dead? No, I wasn't dead. I was called out into the cell and into the hall. I had lived this already, though. A dream! It had been a dream. No. Not a dream. A premonition. I was going to die. I had seen myself dying. Was this part of the tests they had been performing on me? I mentally reminded myself not to look at the checkered floor. In the stairwell, I realized I was going to die, just like in the dream. No, I was smarter now. They made me smarter somehow. If I was so smart, then I could figure out how to escape this place, and my death. As, we reached the top of the stairs, I was reminded of the room with the 'glass safe'. As we passed by that room, I quickly darted in, locking the door behind me.

The people inside of it were petrified to see me. The loud banging and the yelling on the door, probably didn't help settle there nerves either. One of them began to cry. I assured them that I had no intention of hurting them. I just wanted the records in the glass safe. The secret records on what they were doing to us. There was some slight confusion, most likely since they couldn't figure out how I knew about the records. The records in the safe, I screamed. Give them to me! One of the doctors in the room moved toward the safe, and started to open it. She handed me a book. I quickly flipped it open to see a list of values. These must be the financial records, I thought. I slipped the book into the waste band of my white scrubs. Just then, the guards busted in, with guns drawn. Come with us, they said, and don't make this difficult. The doctor next to me offered to give me a sedative, when I was held by the two guards, but I waved her off. I might not be alive long enough for the effects to kick in, I said.

I was dragged into the glass room. It was playing out just like in my dream. I had to do something, and fast. I moved toward the window quickly, and started to climb through. Don't, the guards shouted, but they were too late, I had dove through the window. I instantly noticed I was three stories up, so I reached out for the ledge I just jumped through. The pain in my arm as I gripped the ledge and was pulled back toward the side of the building was excruciating. I bounced against the building as I fell, trying to grab onto any ledge or crevice that jutted out. I hit the ground with a hard thud, my hands bleeding and my body bruised, but I was mostly in good shape. I was tired, but I started to run.

Where would I go, I thought? But, before I could even finish that train of thought, I knew where I was going. I was going to see her. Jenny was my oldest, dearest friend. Of all the people I knew, she would help me. Luckily, her school was not that far away. And so, I ran as fast as I could. I was so tired, but I knew that if I ever stopped, they would catch me.

I reached the university, and began running down the street with the pointed gate. TO my astonishment and extreme luck, she was walking down that same path. With her was a boy, but I had little time for jealousy or second thoughts. I ran toward her, yelling. She seemed so startled to see me.

Jenny, it's me. Ferris! She looked so confused. "Ferris? Is that you? I thought you were... My mother told me you died." No, I was just taken away. They are coming after me right now, and I have to escape. Can you meet me later? Meet me at this number, and I scratched a phone number into a pad she had. I didn't want them to see the ink and find me. I knew Jenny would help me. As I hugged her goodbye, I dropped the record book into her bag. Now, even if they did catch me, Jenny would still be able to set things right.

As I was running away from them, I noticed a man following me. He had a camera. I started to run away from him, and as I did he started to chase after me. Across the campus green and between some buildings, more started to come for me. A woman dressed like a guard tried to stop me. I struggled to free myself from her grasp, and in doing so, pushed her down a set of stairs. Free, I escaped into a building. There were classes in progress, and I dove into one of them, and closed the door behind me. Everyone, be quiet. There are men trying to catch me. Once again, the startled and confused looks were all I saw in their faces. How hard is it to understand? Suddenly, my pursuers broke into the room. Seeing that there were witnesses, they decided to pretend they were filming some sort of art film. I pleaded with the professor to understand that they were after me. Picking up a desk, I hurled it at them, and made my way through the door.

Outside again, I ran into the same guard. She looked scrapped and bruised. I pushed her over again and kept running. I can't ever stop running.